Meet the team

Johanna Ivaska
Professor, FCI K.Albin Johannsson Research Professor
Johanna is a K Albin Johansson Professor at the University of Turku. She started her own group at the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland in 2003. In 2013, she joined the University of Turku Bioscience Centre where she currently leads the “Cell Adhesion and Cancer” group.

Megan Chastney

Postdoctoral researcher

James Conway

Postdoctoral researcher

Michal Dibus

Postdoctoral researcher

Gautier Follain

Postdoctoral researcher

Michalis Gounis

Postdoctoral researcher

Hellyeh Hamidi

Research coordinator

Jouni Härkönen


Aleksi Isomursu

PhD researcher

Niklas Jäntti

PhD researcher

Omkar Joshi

PhD researcher

Jasmin Kaivola

PhD researcher

Petra Laasola

Biomedical Laboratory Scientist

Veli-Matti Leppänen

Research Fellow

Huayi Li

Postdoctoral researcher

Mathilde Mathieu

Postdoctoral researcher

Paulina Moreno-Layseca

Postdoctoral researcher

Nicolas Pasquier

PhD researcher

Meri Pelkonen

Joint PhD student

Jenni Siivonen

Biomedical Laboratory Scientist

Postdoctoral alumni

Anja Mai
until 2016; next step: Researcher at BerGenBio, Bergen, Norway
Antti Arjonen
until 2015; next step: Senior researcher at Misvik Biology Ltd, Turku, Finland
Camilo Guzmán
October 2018; next step: Facility manager (Nanophotonics) at the International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal
Elisa Närvä
April 2021; next step: Principal Investigator, Pluripotency & Cancer Laboratory, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Turku, Finland!
Emilia Peuhu
August 2019; next step: Principal Investigator, Peuhu lab, Institute of Biomedicine, University of Turku, Finland!
Ghaffar Muharram
until 2013; next step: Scientist at University of Lille, Lille, France
Guillaume Jacquemet
August 2019; next step: Principal Investigator, Cell Migration Lab, Åbo Akademi University, Finland!
Hussein Al Akhrass
July 2021; next step: R & D Manager, Boehringer and Ingelheim, Vienna, Austria
Ilkka Paatero
August 2019; next step: Head of Zebrafish Facility, Turku Bioscience Centre, University of Turku
Jaroslav Icha
October 2019; next step: Application Specialist, Promega, Prague, Czechia
Jeroen Pouwels
until 2013; next step: group leader at Turku Bioscience Centre, Turku, Finland
Maria Georgiadou
August 2018; next step: Senior Researcher at Orion Pharma, Finland
Mika Pietilä
until 2017; next step: Medical Advisor, Astra Zeneca, Espoo, Finland
Stefan Veltel
next step: lecturer at University of Applied Sciences, Bremen, Germany

Phd alumni

Aki Stubb
(thesis defended 2019) - next steps : postdoc, Ewa Paluch's lab, University of Cambridge, UK
Anja Mai
(thesis defended 2011)
Antti Arjonen
(thesis defended 2013)
Elina Mattila
(thesis defended 2009) - now Senior Scientist at Orion Pharma, Finland
Gunilla Högnäs
(thesis defended 2013) - next step : postdoc University of Tampere, FI
Johanna Lilja
(thesis defended 2020) - next steps : postdoc, Johanna Joyce's lab, University of Lausanne, CH
Jonna Alanko
(thesis defended 2016) - next step : postdoc in the Michael Sixt lab, IST, Austria
Jonna Nevo
(thesis defended 2011) - next step : MD, Oncologist
Juha Rantala
(thesis defended 2011) - next step : CEO at Misvik Biology and Principal Investigator at the University of Sheffield, UK
Karolina Vuoriluoto
(thesis defended 2010) - next step : Drug Safety Specialist, Orion Corporation
Maria Taskinen
(thesis defended 2022) - next step: Paul Workman's lab, ICR, London, UK
Martina Lerche
(thesis defended 2021) - next step : postdoc, Clare Waterman's lab, NIH, US
Mitro Miihkinen
(thesis defended 2021) - next step : studying statistics at University of Turku, FI.
Nicola De
(thesis defended 2016) - next step: postdoc in Institute Curie, FR
Pranshu Sahgal
(thesis defended 2018) - next step : postdoc in the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, US
Reetta Virtakoivu
(thesis defended 2015) - next step : postdoc in Institute of Biomedicine, FI
Riina Kaukonen
(thesis defended 2016) - next step : postdoc in Turku Bioscience Centre
Saara Tuomi
(thesis defended 2010) - Next step : Postdoc at the Danish Cancer Society
Siiri Salomaa
(thesis defended 2020) - next step : postdoc, Kevin Chalut's lab, University of Cambridge, UK
Teijo Pellinen
(thesis defended 2009) - now Senior Researcher at Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland (FIMM), Helsinki, Finland

Masters alumni

David Kühl
Maria Rafaeva
Max Grönloh
Niklas Jäntti
Nuria Barber
Paula Rasila
Rafael Saup
Sonja Vahlman
Taru Varila