Paulina’s paper is accepted !!
Celebrating our recent publication in Nature Cell Biology and the associated Highlight written by Pat Caswell ! Thanks Pat !
Martina Lerche defended her PhD thesis in September – such a RUSH !
Warm thank to Patrick Caswell, her opponent from University of Manchester, for joining us in person. It was an amazing scientific discussion. Now Martina is…
Mathilde is joining the lab !
Mathilde has joined us as a postdoc from Institut Curie, FR. She is leaving the world of extracellular vesicules to study biomechanics ! How intense…
Megan joins us as a postdoc!
Megan has joined us as a postdoc from Manchester, UK. She spent 10 days in quarantine when she arrived in Turku. A tough thing to…
Siiri Salomaa defended her PhD thesis in September – it was awesome!
A big thanks to Siiri’s opponent Pirta Hotulainen from the Minerva Foundation Institute for Medical Research, University of Helsinki for joining us in person. It…
Johanna Lilja defended her PhD thesis in June and did a fantastic job!
It was the first time we did this over zoom. After a few small techincal hiccups, everything went smoothly! So proud of you Johanna and…
Long-overdue celebrations
A little something to read by Aki Stubb et al.
Thanks to the FinELib consortium (Finnish universities, research institutions and public libraries) we have been able to make our most recent publication in Nano Letters…
New Year – New Website – New Job
Thanks to everyone who applied to our two postdoc positions! We had a lot of applications and will get back to you shortly! Please bear…